tiger bulk

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tiger bulk systems

Converted from either 140mu or 170mu polyethylene film manufactured by major film producers in England and Europe, and meeting the high standards expected by the food and chemical industries.

20', 30' and 40' liners available. Whatever the size, whatever the specification, Tiger can manufacture to your requirements.

Tiger liners offer a choice of taped or welded hanging fitments to secure the liner within the container box and a choice of floor retaining systems is also available.

All Tiger Liners are made to customer specifications, and we would be pleased to discuss your individual requirements and assure you of our immediate attention to your enquiry.

Below are just a few of the
many types of liners
we manufacture:

standard door loading central fill
Standard door loading central fill and
discharge sopcks with vent
Available in all sizes

top hatch loading fish tail
Top Hatch Loading Fish Tail Discharge
Available with or without Dunnage
in 20', 30' and 40' sizes

door loading with vent double sock
Door loading with vent double sock
twin discharge
Available in all sizes

Tiger Bulk Systems Ltd
Carnaby Industrial Estate, Bridlington
East Yorkshire, YO15 3QY, England
Telephone: +44 (0) 1262 675225
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1262 675226
email: sales@tigerbulk.com

tiger bulk

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